
By spitzimixi

bright light at the end of the tunnel

some pipes that got dumped near the pond, some snow in them. A photo of.
Today I've been doing some more living. I'm getting good at it. (nb - I did understand your point mikeder, no worries!)
But also some reflecting - maybe time to pretend that this is my blip today, as it would be more appropriate.
before the hordes come home, I thought I'd reflect on 2010 and make some resolutions. I do this every year and am one of the poor unfortunates who keeps her resolutions :-/
anyway, what was 2010 all about?
The in-laws got settled in their new home and living situation and seem to be doing ok, much to the relief of everyone.
We went through the diagnosis of ASD for Flea - that was hard, not the diagnosis but the process. It was difficult having everything taken apart and analysed and there were times when I wasn't sure ...of anything anymore. I've learnt a lot about ASD and our family this year.
I was happy to get our garden sorted at last, the wood burner in, bits and pieces bought, last exams done, project completed & money paid out by the EC....
Very happy to start blipping, to buy a Nikon, to take time every day to find an image.
In fact, the combination of the hours of psychiatric analysis of our family and blip has had a strange effect on me....which leads to 2011....we're almost certainly going to go through the same thing again, with the biggest sprog this time. And I know that taking time to be creative will help me through it. That's good. There'll be some other changes made in 2011 too. Most of which are still unknown and one of which is known but a secret (ho ho ho). Resolutions for 2011? well, I've already given up smoking, am not overweight and am otherwise practically perfect (kind of) so, this year will see me...hang on..ME spending some time putting ME first and stopping this stupid altruistic, selfless rubbish that I've been doing for years. And attempting to do that at least once without feeling guilty. Maybe by the end of 2011 I'll have pulled it off. The first person who calls me a selfish bitch will get a kiss!

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