As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Cities On Giant Turtles

I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning playing Black Ops with K-po...good times.

This is backblipped a few days so...

It's amazing how mad I get when things happen but then how insignificant they seem later on...I guess that they're are some benefits to backblipping.

Hmmm...what happened on Sunday...

Me and my brother were going to go to Kyle and Julie's to play Risk and hang out, but then it decides to start snowing. Kyle and Julie invited us to sleep over so our mom wouldn't have to come and pick us up later when the snow was really bad. We were both really excited but then my mom said that I couldn't go. I have to shovel Hedge's house and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to come and get us tomorrow because the roads wouldn't be plowed. I told her that she was being ridiculous and that the roads near us (relatively busy) would be clear in time. She wouldn't change her mind. She still let my brother go, though. He brought his Xbox 360 and my Call of Duty: Black Ops so I had nothing to do at home. I sat at home sulking around for 2 hours when Julie called me saying that her parents were on their way home from the movies and could pick me up if my mom changed her mind. I told her this and she gave up. She told me to do what I wanted. Naturally, I told Julie that I could come. Her parents picked me up and drove me to their house.

When I got there, me, Julie, and Brianna started to take pictures of ourselves with my camera and Julie's camera (Canon EOS Rebel T1i). We were just fooling around and having a good time. I took this one. I don't know why but I like it....

We played Risk, Soul Calibur IV, Black Ops, and Pictionary. I was the first one out in Risk and me and Julie were about to win Pictionary but Kyle and Chris came from behind and beat us. While we were playing, I have no clue where my mind was but I muttered, "Imagine if we had cities on the backs of.....giant.....turtles..." I still think it would be cool but I have no idea why I said it then...

Me, Kyle, and Chris slept in the basement. We fell asleep watching Metalocalypse after we finished watching Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. (2:30)

Good day. I'm glad I ended up being able to go.

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