As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Mass Ive Butt


I went to midnight mass. It was nice but a little too long for my liking. We got home around 2:00 and then I fell asleep at 2:30. We all got up at 8:30 and opened presents. I got some really cool stuff. Then at 10:00, we went to Kathleen's house. Kathleen used to babysit me and my brother when we were little and my mom was still working as a nurse. She moved here from England when she was 16 (I think) and has lived here ever since (she's now in her 60's and still has her accent). She's the most wonderful person in the world and she's basically our own Mary Poppins. She taught us so much when we were growing up. Whenever we see her, she always has some funny story from when we were younger. Her family is great too. She has two daughters and a son. Her husband, Warren, is hilarious and he's the biggest kid I've ever seen. Him and my brother swap Xbox games a lot and all always talking about the newest releases. I love that family so much!

We got home at about 2:00 and we chilled until 4:00. We went to my cousin's house. They only live a few blocks away so we got there pretty quickly... My uncle Charlie is quite the musician. Although I thought that his original instrument was the mandolin (he's amazing at it), it's actually the French horn. He was an All-State French Horn player. He also plays the piano and he has a stand-up bass that he was fiddling around with last night. He works for Steinway (the piano company) so he's around music and musical people a lot. They have the nicest piano I've ever seen in their house... He also happens to be an amazing cook and he made a wonderful Christmas dinner. After dinner, me, him, and my brother (who just got a banjo) got together and played some music. I played the bass, my uncle was on mandolin, and my brother was playing his new banjo. We didn't sound half bad. During dessert, my uncle brought out these musical tube things. Inside each one was a numbered whistle and a hat. My brother was the conductor. He pointed at certain people and they blew their whistle. He had a whole book of songs and we struggled through a few of them. It was a lot of fun!

I just found out that Julie and Jess got cameras! They're going to make blips too! YAY!

(This is backblipped by the way). I stayed up until 1:00 playing Black Ops with K-po and Geno. Good times.

Some quotes:

Me - "Back to my stroking story."
All three of us - "More. Moir. Moure. Mour. Muor. Mure. (etc.)"
My uncle Charlie - "I'm a walking contradiction."
My cousin Emily - "His name is Mass? Imagine if his last name was Ive. Then he'd be Mass Ive. No, wait. Imagine if his middle name was Ive and his last name was Butt. Then he'd be Mass Ive Butt."

In the picture: my grandparents, Pop Pop and Grandma Peggy, then my twin cousins Jack and Nick (the one with his eyes closed), my cousin Emily behind my brother, my sister next to her, then me and then my cousin Sabrina.

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