jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Burn baby burn

We burnt all the christmas wrapping paper this morning. It took quite a while. Ben was desperate to help, but had to be restrained from just throwing stuff onto the fire. When he's a bit older we'll teach him properly about fires and stuff but for now, he's going to have to be content with "helping" daddy. Here's the other burning picture, I like both and had a hard time choosing between them.

None of us got dressed until gone midday, then it was an oovoo call to my brothers and their families, and mum and dad joined in when they got home from a walk. Was nice to see everyone, even if it was a bit all over the place.

Uncle Matt is coming to stay tonight, Aunty Sue is coming tomorrow after a New Year's Eve Ikea trip (bonkers girl); so Ben will be happy in the morning with a new person to terrorise!

Ben hasn't had a nap today with all that. I had to go out to drop something off and buy more fuel for the fire after the oovoo call so he didn't get to go to sleep then either; then it was dinnertime and he's finally gone to bed very very early. VERY early, like before 6pm early. I hope this doesn't preclude a 6am WAKE UP MUMMY in the morning.


I didn't mean to write such a blah blah entry today. I'm not exactly sure what I meant to write, I'm sure today hasn't been so blah. Blah seems a good word at the moment. Maybe I'm simply cream crackered! Why do Christmas and New Year have to be so close together? Whoever designed the year's calendar obviously didn't think it was going to be a problem. Maybe they didn't celebrate with such vigour back then.

I wore my new jumper today. I feel a bit like a child, telling the world I wore my new jumper today. But I like it a lot, I can wear it with leggings and it actually looks ok!! AND it goes with my boots. And new duffel coat. I walked into the hardware store to get the coal and logs and the guys behind the counter got a bit flustered when the legs walked in. They were all very very helpful anyway :) Have tried to take a self-portrait but failed, I envy people like debra and sharon and craftynini who seem to make it look quite effortless. There are others, like spitzimixi and max ellis and noodlepix too. I'm working on it. Very trying. :)

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