At the waterfront of Colombo

Before going back to Beruwela I went to the waterfront of Colombo, one block away from our daughters appartment.
I was lucky I could spot a train.

Also very crowded, like all public transport.

After this fotoshoot we went to a small shopping mall by Tuc Tuc.
We knew what the price might be and the drivers saw we were persistent not to pay more and they agreed with our offer...
Coming out of a shopping mall you know they will double the fee but 50 meters further on we found a Tuc Tuc who brought us back to the appartment for our price. Our daughter was at work so we were all by ourselves.

Back in our hotel in Beruwela after two hours driving(brought by cab this time) we had a quiet afternoon and we saw this sunset.

I was in doubt which one to choose for my Blip but the waterfront at Colombo was a bit more special to me.

Here in LARGE...

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