Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Lone boy on the Ice

A lovely bright sunny day here with very little in the way of wind which is a welcome change from the rest of the week.

We decided to head on down to Tentsmuir, Mr Lif was armed with the new lens. The beach was pretty deserted and the wildlife seemed to have gone AWOL as well. There is normally an inland body of water full of water fowl but this had iced over and there was not a dicky bird in sight. We walked for about an hour before we found a sandbank a bit out where the seals were basking. This pleased Mr Lif

The image I have put up was taken as we started the walk. We found a narrow path of ice to walk over to get to the shore. As you can see it was quite a wide stretch of water still frozen and on it was the wee boy, happily playing with not an adult in sight. I tend to worry about these sort of things. Its probably only about a foot deep at most but then I am a born worrier. He looked kind of lonely out there. He was probably having a ball skimming icy blocks along the ice

Home now and I have some lamb shanks in red wine cooking slowly. Cava has been poured and i hope to make it to the "bells"

Have a great New Years Eve and see you all in the New Year! :)

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