Not Well

I am not well today. I have a sore throat, a chesty cough and I feel hot. I helped Dad make lunch today - pesto pasta. I grated some cheese, stirred the pesto in and said "mmm, smells tasty". But then when it was on the table, I didn't want to eat it and got very upset. Mum asked me if I wanted something else and I said yes, but then said no to everything she suggested. In the end, I had some milk, cuddled into Mum and went to sleep. I slept for nearly 2 hours and felt much better when I woke up, and even had some beans on toast. I kept telling Mum and Dad that I wanted to see In the Night Garden "properly", meaning the live stage show we went to back in September. They explained that I couldn't, because it's not on anymore, but they did let me watch a DVD.

We took a brief trip to Tesco to get some dinner. I had a bit of a burst of energy in there and insisted on pushing the trolley around. I am quite good at it, and very fast!

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