Dr Jones

By jones

A grooming before returning to school

The girls are back to school tomorrow so they had a good old scrub in the bath.

We had yet another lazy morning where the kids lounge around in their jim jams for hours. It's going to be hell tomorrow morning getting them up and ready for school.

We did pop out for a little while in search for a bike for my eldest daughter and a new printer. We managed to get a printer but failed to get the bike. The first shop we went to was Halfords. The sales assistant was rubbish. He didn't seem to have any idea what size bike we should get. The one he suggested was obviously way too small. We then went to proper bike shops where we got some decent advice.

The girls are ready for their return to school tomorrow. My youngest is in the kitchen polishing her shoes. Her idea not mine. I said it was too late to be polishing shoes but she insisted.

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