As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Fammi Una Bella Torta

Today's my birthday! Now I'm 15 years old. I don't feel any older. Hopefully, I won't feel any older when I actually become "old".

My day started off with neither of my siblings remembering my birthday. I can't say that I wasn't expecting that... At school, I was assaulted with a barrage of "happy birthday!"'s. Happy Birthday was sung to me in homeroom, science, and lunch. I got a few cards (including Kaitlin's "ghetto" card) and Ari got me Purell (I always need some) and candy (yum!). Alyssa made me a fantastic card. The only problem is that is was filled with overly modest lies. We need to have a talk about that... She gave me $5 so I could pay K-po back for lunch last Wednesday. :) (By the way, K-po drives a car that uses so much gas, it would be cheaper if it ran on sliced dolphin. His car has now been named "Dolphin Slicer") In science, we did a lab that involved measuring our lung capacity. We used balloons so we got a little distracted... :) I was asked to be in a quartet for NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association). I think this could be a fun experience. At lunch, Alyssa brought in home-made brownies. :D They were delicious! Italian was interesting today... We have a lot of jerks in our class that like to bother the teacher. Usually, they just ask her how to say stupid things in Italian. Today they were just asking about random stupid stuff like "How long do you put pizza bagels in the oven for?" and "Do you wear leggings on Wednesday?". Billy asked for an Italian pick-up line. She told him to say, "Fammi una bella torta", which means, "Make me a beautiful cake." I thought that was kind of funny. Our global had a tough time trying to keep everyine from playing with the balloons they got in science....

I had an executive board meeting for class of 2014 today. We discussed our class t-shirts. Our slogan was going to be "We're tender not mean, we're the class of 2014." Ew. The shirt was going to have a big heart on it and.....ew. So Bobby suggested "Stay classy, 2014." Not the best, but better. So I suggested getting t-shirts that have fake tuxedos on the front and the slogan could be in the back and on the handkerchief. I think it's pretty funny. Do you?

Track wasn't too fun. The shot-putters had a dizzy race and everyone else ran sprints. I walked over the foot bridge to meet my mom there. I took this picture as I was walking over. Then I went to tennis, came home, ate, showered, had a piano lesson, and now I'm here.

My brother was watching Scott Pilgrim vs. The World for about the sixth time and this song came on: Black Sheep: The Clash At Demonhead. I think it's a really good song and the actress actually sang this. I think she sang it better than the band that wrote it. I think I'm in lesbians with this song (movie joke).

I'm another year older. Every year brings something new, with some years being more exciting than others (16 for example...permit, baby!). I'm not sure what this year will bring. My birthday is 11 days after Christmas and 5 days after New Year's. My celebratory season basically ends tonight. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to have a family party this year because of my grandma. :( Oh well. I haven't had a party with my friends for a while. I just have too many people too choose to invite and I'm terrified that I'd forget someone or hurt someone's feelings by not inviting them. Last year, Julie and Brianna (I think it was them...) threw me a surprise party at Julie's house. It was wonderful! I had so much fun and it was nice to know that they cared about me enough to throw me a party and get me gifts and everything. :) I love my friends. <3

"Are we denying a crisis or are we scared of admitting it? I don't want to know..." - Saviour by Lights

^ By the way the acoustic version that I posted a link to yesterday is much better than the real song. (Or at least that's what I think.)

Hop on over to Kipp's page and congratulate him on his 200th blip! Today is also farsidehues' 3rd blipday! (3 years)

All in all, I had a great 15th birthday!

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