Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


After mentioning in Monday's blip that I once dressed up as Leela (from Futurama) at a fancy dress party, I had a few requests to blip said outfit.

I thought I'd side-stepped the issue yesterday, but as it was mentioned again, I've now given in. Sort of.

It's 9 years since the fancy dress party and I no longer posess suitable leggings and boots. Also, after spending 9 years in a carrier bag squished at the back of the wardrobe, the purple tinsel wig (which wasn't great to start with) stuck out everywhere in a sticky-outy way, so I wasn't going to wear it.

All of which means, that it's very much "Leela-Lite" today. Yes, she mostly wears a white vest, but for the sake of photographic-contrast, given that the gun is white, I opted to wear a black vest. And the gun's a bit naff - it really should be something like the one wintersixfour has. Sorry.

Right. I'm going back to where I belong - safely behind the lens.....

And no - even in large, I'm not as womanly-well-furnished as Leela.

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