
By FauxPunk

Your Powers are Weak, Old Man

Still no work, today.

Temp is OK, and sinuses are less painful, but I'm still pretty bunged up and the cough is just AWFUL. I'm fine for ages, then have a half-hour spell where I'm constantly coughing - I'm hoping that's the antibiotics kicking in. Surely it can't last! I've also been having abdominal cramps brought on by the coughing - they're bloody agony and the only relief I can seem to find is to contort my body in strange ways... which I can't maintain once the coughing kicks in again!

Met Julian in the Bay today for an hour - was nice to see him, even if he did immediately pass judgement on my condition - I thought I was getting better, he thought I still looked/sounded like poo! Just as well he didn't witness one of the horrendous coughing fits though! (Mathew would never have forgiven me).

Was pretty knackered again by the time we got back to the car (how can sitting on my ass in Starbucks be knackering?) Felt like going straight to bed when I got in, but resisted - trying to stay awake through the day so I can sleep better at night - and maybe be fit enough for work tomorrow.

I really can't decide what the best thing is to do... do I go in for a day and a half, to kinda 'ease' myself in gently, or will I be better off taking the rest of the week to make sure I'm fully recovered? Even the little bit of housework I did this afternoon knackered me out (and Mathew will confirm it was LITTLE).

I'm feeling not too bad just now, and I've gone 2 1/2 hours without one of the awful coughing fits, so let's see how tonight goes!

<<All of January is backblipped that way. Please check at least some of them out, you know u want to ;-)

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