Skateboard Scotland Christmas Jam...

This has become a christmas tradition for us. In the week in between Christmas and New Year we run a competition at one of the indoor skateparks in Scotland.

Good fun was had by all and plenty of prizes were dished out courtesy of our sponsors Focus, Clan, Boardwise, Kaos and Fourdown. Thanks guys.

I had a weird coincidence that costed me a bit of a dunt during the proceedings.

Being on pregnancy labour watch, I have to keep my phone with me all the time and with all the noise I can't hear the phone go so have to check it every so often.

I was skating in the bowl, which during these comps can get to be a bit of a multi-user madness, and ended up in a 3 way crash which threw me, my board, my pocket change and my phone skiteing in opposite directions. It was at this moment funnily enough that Mrs TFP called.

Not for any pregnancy related emergency but it was a bit odd nonetheless seeing my phone ringing as it spun across the surface of the ramp.

Thankfully I didn't come off too badly. I'm of the age and size now that most skaters kinda bounce off me.

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