As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Everybody Lies

I woke up at 7:30 (that's normal when I don't have school), looked at the clock, and realized that I had a snowday. Whoopdedoo. I shoveled for a little bit and then relaxed. I practiced cello but not nearly as much as I thought I would have to. The pieces really aren't that bad. If only I could re-do my seating audition... (I thought about typing "oh well" but I decided against it because I do that too much. I fear that I am becoming predictable (if I wasn't already). I hope I never was and I hope that I never will be predictable. Predictability makes life boring.)

I did some homework and watched a lot of House today. I really love that show. I like seeing what a jerk House is and how everyone reacts to him. I need to have some intense conversations about that with people... My English homework was to read "The Most Dangerous Game". I thought that it was a very interesting story/concept. I enjoyed reading it and I suggest that you read it, too.

I listened to Break of Reality all day. They are a group of three cellists and one percussionist. My favorite by them is The Farewell. The live version is good but I prefer the iTunes version.

Sorry for the dog picture...I didn't do much today...

"You could think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to stop thinking" - House

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