Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Vacation Views

The ocean foam always fascinates me. Capturing it never seems easy until the camera is downloaded and the sparkling bubbly edge of the ocean surprises me with its photographed beauty. Today's capture looked like the top of a heart. It could have been the selection of the day.

Late in the afternoon we walked along the shore with Chloe. She constantly pulls on the leash; if we pick-up the pace and run, she still out runs us and keeps the leash pulled tight. She had no desire, though, to get her feet into the cold water and she didn't. So we've called that frame "leaning toward land!" And she is still wearing the inflated tube around her neck to keep her from messing with the incision on her belly from surgery two weeks ago today. Soon she will not have to wear it. This photo could have been the selection of the day.

Each day as the sun is about to set, the watchers, the walkers, and the joggers come to experience the moment. After the sun is gone, people scatter; a few linger and a few jog. I liked the shot of this long-haired jogger with her ponytail swinging. It could have been the selection of the day.

Watching the sky change color behind the island is thought-provoking entertainment. Every evening it's a different display and all are lovely. It could have been the selection of the day.

The two of us spent the middle of the day exploring downtown Ventura. We've never spent time here so this is an adventure and it's fun. The people here are quite friendly. We stopped at the Visitor Center and they told us where the Library is located so we headed off to the Friends of the Library store and purchased some DVDs and CDs.

While we were exploring downtown, I spotted a hat in an antique store. It took a nano-second to decide to step into the store. I love hats. The owner told me it is a "riding" hat. She wanted to know if I ride very often. I said, "Never!" and then added, "It's so beautiful that I don't think I need to be on a horse to wear it." She agreed, and then offered to reduce the price from $35 to $25. Mr. Fun had walked on past the store, so I told her that I needed to find him and that maybe I'd be back.

Over lunch I convinced Mr. Fun that I needed the hat and at the same time talked myself out of going back to purchase it. It just seemed like a frivolous extra that I don't need. Then later, I wished I'd bought it. It could have been my selection of the day. Well, there's always tomorrow.

Hope these four selections are enjoyable for you.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe), aka Carol

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