Dr Jones

By jones


Here's my son messing up my KenKen. (KenKen is a number puzzle for those of us who love numbers!).

I liked the way Horrigans summarised her day yesterday so here's my summary of today:

Got up too early
Wrote revision questions for my students
Had cup of tea
Woke everyone else up
Cycled to sorting office to pick up parcel
Marked some courseworks
Caught train to the garage
Picked up a courtesy car ( the smallest car I have ever driven)
Went to Sainsburys
Swore at the self service machine
Dropped frozen food at home
Picked up daughter from school
Swore whilst stuck in traffic
Took daughter to the eye clinic at hospital
Had a nap in the waiting area
Dropped daughter back at school
Had a nap on the sofa
Cooked tea
Hoovered (my brother's coming to stay tonight)
Took some photos
Opened a bottle of wine

My youngest daughter was off school today and I'm sure I'm going down with something too.
I have been very snappy and sleepy all day.

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