
By Appreciation

Sunshine on Leith

Leith is the Town my parents were born in.
It's the Town they grew up in and where they were married.
Leith is the Town my sister and I were born in.
It is a part of the City which holds my heart and childhood memories.

I was only 4 when we left Leith, and moved to Queensferry. I visited for a number of years after, as my most wonderful Auntie still lived there. My sister and I would stay over for the weekend. She would spoil us beyond belief and we lapped it up. We would go to the local Cinema on a Saturday morning to watch cartoons or the latest Disney film and afterwards, over the road to a shop to buy a Troll. When we went from Leith into town we would get the bus just outside the Chancelot Mill. I adore that building. As a child is was enormous. So white and stark, so demanding of your attention, with lorries going in and out all the time.

It was with the Chancelot Mill in mind that I drove off to Leith today. Having got my shot, I thought I'd visit the King's Wharf area. I worked there just before having my babes. It's opened out so much, and much of what was hidden is now exposed. Including this bridge.

I love when a structure looks this big, when you feel secure beneath it. Its not an especially big bridge, but its strength is obvious. The sky was bright and clear, The shadows begging. I couldn't resist, and once again, I fell in love with Leith.

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