Dr Jones

By jones

Hop on sis

My daughter has got a week of cycling proficiency lessons at school this week and has to take her bike in every day. This morning, she offered to give 'little sis' a ride to school. 'Little sis' was very worried because 'big sis' kept messing about.

On the way to school, I received a phone call from the garage to say that they had fixed my car. Hooray, I cried to myself until they then said that the mechanic had damaged the back end whilst reversing it out of the workshop. It'll take them a week to fix the body work. They said I can borrow the 'postman pat courtesy car' until my car is ready. That's nice of them !

I went to my first bridge club tonight. Hubby has teased me so much about this but I actually quite enjoyed it. I think it'll probably take me another 30 years to learn how to play it properly.

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