Tay Ghillie

By challum

Good morning world!

I've taken to increasing my morning commute to 20k instead of the more usual 9.5k. This in the aim of making my annual goal of 10,000k easier to achieve but the m-a-j-o-r advantage though is that this new commute is virtually traffic-free. I am really enjoying being the first wheels to make my tracks in the frosty ground. This morning it was a chittery minus 4C as I left the hoose. Even more than that I am loving the noise my tyres make as they crunch through the frost. Instead of the roar of cars I am hearing bird call. This morning I heard a Tawny Owl at the mouth of the River Almond and not long after a fox ran across my path. I'm not sure a commute can get much better than that!

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