Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Light at the end of the tunnel.

Didn't venture very far tonight, this is the alley across the road from Tea Tree where I am currently esconced with a large soya latte and my laptop. The wee ginger beastie can't get me here! I can't open the computer at home without him sitting on it, he is Trouble with a capital T and into everything. He's also getting a bit too adventurous and as I was coming in earlier he made it out into the hall and to the top of the stairs before I caught him. Phew! He's a bit too little for Edinburgh's mean streets yet.

I had a much more productive morning at the vol job today, I actually did something worthwhile and didn't make any massive mistakes or hinder them with my presence instead of helping like I usually do! They are always so sweet to me though and thank me very much for all my 'help' even though I've just done something like use up all their expensive headed notepaper printing out letters to the wrong people. Possibly not the best considering I'm there to help with fundraising. Today I actually sent the right letters to the right people, it's landmark occasion.

Yesterday I was so frustrated because I'm really not this stupid but I feel like I'm being really thick! When I had a real job I'd never had made these kind of mistakes - however I was also healthy then and marginally less spongy in the head...

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