
By worldlens

Mysterious Curry

When the bags of ingredients for tonight's dinner came home from the market, I started looking through them to figure out what we were going to be cooking. I came to a bag holding something I could not identify. It was wrapped in a paper towel and another bag, so I handed it to one of the dorm girls beside me. She put more effort into searching through the bag, then announced her findings by screaming and throwing the bag down. With that response, I was glad I hadn't searched the bag harder.

It turns out that tonight's menu includes... any guesses?

Frog curry

Maybe toad curry would be more accurate, I'm not really sure. I would have preferred not watching the preparation, but the final product just tasted like any other curry. It was a little bony and some people said it tasted like fishy chicken, but I didn't notice with all the spices and other flavors.

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