Home at last!

After a week in the big smoke of Glasgow with meetings , Celtic connections (oh the hardship!) and being in the company (or in the way!) of my grown up kids (allegedly) I have finally made it back home to my own hearth & fire. To the Hebridean the hearth is one of the most important aspects of ones life.

the two doggies are curled up asleep, fed & walked and the Guinea piggies & Rabbit back on the veranda -- all is a t peace. somewhere driving along a road is hubby back from his 10 day stint at the Sneck so we may have a wee dram together.

Was at yet another gig at Celtic Connections (unexpected freebee ticket) The evening opened with the Mid Argyll Pipe Band and dance group Random Aspekts and I have to say they were fantastic. so good were they that the two acts that followed ; Lau & Crooked Still were total rubbish in comparrison! these youngsters and the dance group were brilliant and well worth taking this show on the road. If you want to see why I am raving about it go to you-tube and key in MidARgyll pipe band & Random Aspekts (thats how they spell it) and prepare to be blown away!

Have a good Sunday all blippeachs.

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