Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Time for Ball Already???!!!

I feel like I've back tracked a bit in how I'm feeling, so we took it easy and Michael was gracious enough to take over my class one more time, so I stayed home and relaxed today. Thank you Michael! I actually never got out of my pajama pants. Talk about lazy, but I was able to catch up on my Esther study!

Landon went with daddy and brothers shopping for new cleats for the upcoming baseball season. I wasn't sure if he should go because his health has been spotty as well. I finally made an appointment for him to be seen by the doctor tomorrow. After cleat shopping, they headed out for their first time on the baseball field since last season. Try-outs are next weekend, so they had fun brushing up on their baseball. I really like this pic Gary took for me of Loren pitching to Landon with Liam prepared to catch the ball. I'm pretty impressed with the quality of the iPhone camera.

Once Landon came home in the afternoon, he had started to run a fever again. I'm a bit confused over this week of low-grade fevers and am starting to get worried he's getting this awful pneumonia like I've had! Praying that is a no and will know more tomorrow...until then it's Motrin to the rescue. Gary is at a Toby Mac concert tonight in Sacramento with the youth group, so I'm sure he's having a great time!

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