Dear Heart

By dearheart

Summer berry cider and losing at cards

Dear Heart,
Today it rained. All day - a kind of anaemic dribble, Edward Cullen rain, if you will. I went on the trampoline anyway, earning myself wet hair and soggy Skechers in the process. My hoodie is still damp! But it was bliss, trampolining in the rain.
We played cards again tonight, and ate pizza and drank cider from a brown bottle. As usual I lost almost every game. I'm sure you know about my competitive failure by now, though! I was so very anxious all day to get a good picture, and just when I was giving up hope I managed to snap this one of Gideon winning at cards. I like it so much. There's something very intimate about candid photos, like capturing a small piece of their soul. You rarely get that with posed photographs, I think. The soul is hidden away, wrapped up for safe-keeping.
Home is bliss. Every moment is like finishing a giant jigsaw puzzle - albeit one worn at the edges!
Love, Lydia x

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