Dear Heart

By dearheart

Cold coffee in saucers

Dear Heart,
I napped (accidentally) this afternoon. You know those moments of total clarity that come only after waking from sleep in the afternoon? That perfect clear-headedness, when you're swimming in silence? It's so fragile, and as soon as someone speaks it is shattered. How queer.
Today I met Caro for not-coffee. We talked as if we'd never been apart, on and on until her latte was sitting cold in the saucer. She is a kindred spirit; the gap in our ages doesn't make any difference. I think it's beautiful. Talking to her is like absolution, like she's a living, breathing incarnation of Him. Everything just slips into silence, like waking up on a Wednesday afternoon and being, just for a single moment, calm.
I hope you like her when you meet.
Love, Lydia x
P.S. I took some pictures from the trampoline today, mid-bounce. They weren't as pretty as my family though, so I hope you don't mind.

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