Five things

By fivethings

Milky Paw Kid

1. Making the very wise decision to work from home today meant that not only did I feel a lot happier, I got so much done much quicker than I would have anywhere else and had the added bonus of a cat sitting on my knee for most of the day.

2. Reading Andrew O'Hagan's The Missing. It's a really great read full of Glasgow secrets and Ayrshire tales.

3. Nipping out for a pint to Clockworks, my local pub that brews its own beer on the premises. The Clockwork lager was tasty and the barman was enthusiastic and passionate. Turns out he's the guy that makes the beer.

4. Crunchy nut cornflakes for supper. Need I say more?

5. I've been looking at Blip for ages now, long before I started my journal. I always notice the pictures of cats. But until Elie came to visit I never realised just how difficult it is to capture the wee devils at whatever it is they are up to. Here she is stealing the last of the milk. It took a long time to get this. In she comes for a great big cuddle and the milky paws are on me.

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