Five things

By fivethings


1. This is baby Connie. She is 12 days old and her mum is a very good friend of mine. I love this picture, I think she looks like a teeny convict behind bars with her stripey jumpsuit on. I was so excited making the journey across town to meet her.

2. Even though most of the chat tonight was understandably about this wee munchkin, Alana, Connie's mum still has time to find out how I am, to ask the shorthand questions that come with ten years or so of friendship and never judge the answers. Alana and I have been together through some pretty tough times and some pretty good ones too. We have a back catalogue of laughs and catch phrases that we can turn to any time. I left their place with a big smile on my face.

3. I had a really busy and buzzy day today. Three big meetings back to back, lots of plans, lots of good things going on and a really hard bit of work done yesterday making life easier.

4. Some people don't admit to soap operas, or reality tv, or chart music, prefering instead to admit only to the Archers, radio three and outdoorsy kind of pastimes. I am out and proud. I love Coronation Street.

5. A baby and a cat! it's a cutefest round my way. Oh and it's the weekend tomorrow. Oh and my new face mask arrived so not only will it be Friday, but my face will be glowing. Did I mention the caramel digestives?

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