Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Favourite Wellies

Middle of the week, but my Friday, hooray! H was at nursery today, and again, just skipped off happily without even looking back. It is taking me longer and longer to get her ready in the morning though as she is refusing to put this or that on. It's a battle to get her vest over her head most days, and a jacket is only to be worn when she feels like it. She is a bit temperamental about her shoes at the moment too, but her wellies, she loves. She even wears them in the house when allowed!
So her uniform for today was her cute little Peppa Pig bag, and her wellies.

I was tired again today as H woke up coughing and crying at about 4am and wouldn't go back to sleep until about 5.30am. By this stage, I am thinking there is no point in me going back to sleep as I need to get up soon! But I did doze off and ended up running late. Wish all her teeth would just come in at once as I am sure it's her teething as well as the cold. Fingers crossed for a better night tonight!

Milestone in my life - I paid my student loan off today, yippee! Made a final payment, so that's one less thing going out every month. It's only taken me 10 years!!!

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