Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Lunch Out

Today we went to Gymboree - the first time we have made it in 3 weeks! Unfortunately, H wasn't herself today and was really clingy. It's definitely teething (I can tell by her nappies, yuck!). She whinged and cried when we tried to get her to do anything. Wouldn't get in the paddling pool, crawl through tunnels, sit on the log, go anywhere near the parachute. You get the picture! I am giving it 2 more weeks, and if we miss a class, or H doesn't take to it better, I am calling it quits. Working Mon-Wed and then having things on every Thu and Fri is quite demanding! It would sometimes be nice to have no plans for 1 day per week. Just for time in the house, or meeting friends/doing something different. At the moment I feel a bit tied down.

After Gymboree, we went to East Kilbride shops and had lunch at M&S cafe. H and I shared some sandwiches and she managed not to get too whingy, even though she wanted to walk rather than sit in the pushchair and the highchair! She slept for about 20 mins in the car, but wouldn't go for a nap when we got home. Hence I have one tired girl, and I am hoping for a good night tonight. She usually goes 12-13 hours so I am hopeful of a return to form!

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