
By TrishaR

The Cross In The Trees at Murie Woods, Errol

Tuesday I had the dentist and the chiropodist and today was the turn of the hairdresser to work his wonders on my hair! Before that I had breakfast in one of the local cafes with a group of local ladies, and after it I picked up Breagha and we headed out the Dundee road towards Errol, about a 15 min drive away. You can see, set in the trees, a celtic cross. It sits on a slight mound, and once upon a time has a fence round it. It was built in memoriam to members of the Broun-Morrison family, with nice words, too long to write here.

This particular area is very dear to me as my grandfather was born in the old cottage that sits on the edge of Murie Wood, just at the back of me as I took this picture. It's such a strange feeling to know that I am standing in an area where, in the few years after he was born in 1890, he would have played in the woods with his brothers and sisters. I got a shock as I drove up the pathway, I saw that the roof of the old cottage had collapsed. I imagine it was due to the large amount of snow sitting on an already decaying wooden roof. It's a shame to see it becoming more of a ruin. I'm so glad that we took pictures of it last year when we found out that my grandfather was born here.

Breagha came home with half the wood attached to her undercarriage, and her legs were completely brown instead of gold!

Link to the cottage

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