As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Nothin' Much Just Chillin'

More snow :(

I woke up at 7:30 to find out that school was cancelled. This was slightly displeasing to hear considering I didn't have school anyway and now I just wasted a snow day..... :(

So I looked out my window and saw the snow and the clouds and the sun and it all looked really nice so I ran outside with my camera and took a few pictures. This was my favorite. I didn't realize it was in black and white until now. Oh well, it still looks cool.

Others that were hit hard with snow:
Jess and friends
Kristin fretting about midterms
Brendan and his backblips
Kipp - shoveling and reflecting
Jilly at college
Stine - It's pronounced "Steen"

Sorry to be annoying with all of the links but these wonderful people have been so kind to me during my time on blip and I know most of them in the real world too.

I had a lesson with Grace today and she worked with me, Chris, and James on the Beauty and The Beast music.

Word of the Day: Jobbery - The conduct of public or official business for the sake of improper private gain

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