Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

A Lifetime

Today I met a young friend on Hwy 101 in downtown Coos Bay. The second sign "Shark Bites" was the meeting place. I have looked forward to this afternoon for 2 weeks, since she said we *had* to get together, in a way that only young ladies of 16 can say it. It triggers that part of you that says, *yeah, you're absolutely right!*

I love those times when the weeks work is done and it is time to sit and laugh over food or coffee or something grand in a little fish restaurant on the bay. I pause to think of how blessed we are when we can stop to breath.

While chatting over turkey burgers and deep fried little lobsters...not to mention amazing french fries...well, and chocolate cake and ice cream...the thought occurred to me... "I have known this young lady since I moved here 15 years ago. She was one yr old when I arrived, a little red head and adorable. (She is still a red head and adorable) She was one of the little girls in our church who loved to twirl and dance to the music and close her little eyes and raise her little hands in adoration to a God she couldn't begin to understand intellectually at the time. For me, it has been 15 years of my life, praying for her, watching her grow, praying for her some more, challenging her to grow, praying for her...etc. For her, it has pretty much been her whole life time since then, and she seeks to know, and relate honestly to the God who loves her and has great plans for her life.

It is such an honor to spend time listening and sharing and chatting and eating great food with this young life who is ready to take on the world, who's eyes sparkle when she laughs and tells stories. It brings to mind the other young lives who have launched from these very moments into lives of adventure and challenge. We're all a little stirred when we see the courage in the eyes of young people... ready to paint their very own story on the canvas of life, with broad strokes, and in living color...for sure!

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