simple moments

By simplemoments


expecting snow.... lots of it - not looking forward to having to drive in snow or the cold.... i'm whining here since i can't whine with my mother... boo... how funny is that? whining with blip friends - i sure appreciate you all listening to me! but isn't it something how we get spoiled with where we live and/or the weather? i notice how it seems to seep into my bones more here, making me creak and feeling my age more than i want to...

i was out and about tromping through the snow for a bit and came across a birds home away from home.... who knows though when the last time was when any winged thing spent time here.... it looks nice enough - but... i thought it was kind of cute with the snow hanging out on the little roof top.

now we need to pack for the rehab facility but mom thinks there's really nothing she needs to take to the hospital. i don't seem to be able to persuade her that she'll need toiletries.... she believes a hospital will provide everything for her - not so much... like a bathrobe, mom? this isn't a hotel. she is providing me with free entertainment, that's for sure and i'm laughing but mostly i'm not certain she's clear why i'm laughing and that's almost more funny. am i going to be like this when i'm her age? i suppose we all have our quirks... as long as you can keep a sense of humor, all is good, right? at least that's a theory i'm sticking to at this point.

happy day.....

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