Time flies!

In August 2009 my family and I moved from the isalnds to this part of the Scottish mainland. The reason was to be nearer my ailing parents who lived in Glasgow and this part of the West Coast mainland seemed just the ticket being only two hours from Glasgow. So for eight years I travelled up and down the A83 to take my folks shopping & to be near them and in return they got to see the grandkids more often. Sadly my parents have both since passed awaybut we have no regreats at moving for that reason.

Hubby got a job in this fantastic wee bar called the Comm one of the oldest bars in the area which still has many original features (gents you need to see the urinals!) However the most endearing thing about him working there and us at the time living in the flat above the bar was the characters that came in.
Real salt of the earth folks from all airts & pairts and all walks of life. My two youngest received some of their best history lessons while talking to these regulars each time they passed through to get to the flat.
When we moved to rented accommodation and realised we had not a stick of furniture (left our own stuff back home, & flat was frunished) these folks in the Comm gathered together enough stuff to furnish our new premeises. Now thats kindness on a grand scale!
When we bought this house, they helped us move, using one of the regulars lorry, and did so with humour and enthusiasm. A few days after moving in I was still looking for stuff that was in boxes and had to phone the big chap you see in the centre and ask "Do you know which box has my knickers in?" to his eternal credit (as he had moved most of the marked boxes and then stacked them in our new house) said "Christine your knickers are in the 3rd box down in the small room. They have never let me forget that one.
In 2006 new folks bought the bar and by this time we had moved on to other jobs, however Stepehn & Karen the new owners today were celebrating owning the wonderful Comm for 5years so they were selling drink at 2006 prices and had a raffle every hour on the hour and providing you had a drink in you glass you got a free ticket with a Comm goody bag as prize.
Its hard to imagine all that has gone by in those 9 years for us and the Comm regulars & the 5 years for Stephen & Karen
The chap nearest on the right , the big guy in the middle & the guy with the blue boiler suit are some of the Comms most memorable characters along with a dozen others missing from this photo. Its a guy wee pub with a real warm log fire but the best warmth comes from its amazing regular punters.

As they say Time flies!

Slainte all blippers

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