Gnome from gnome!

Well most of you guessed correct that #1 son was the happy chappy on the right in yesterdays photo. Last night the bold & his mates were still busy making Mojitos at 1am this morning! The only problem being that I dont have a juicer, an ice-crusher or a blendar. No problem to #1 son, he used a steak mallet, a wooden spoon and a meat cleaver (don't ask) The four of them then proceeded to donk eachother on the head witha spoon held in their mouth. Needless to say the most drunk one wasnt comprehending how he always got a bigger thunk than the rest, he was too drunk to realise my daft boy sanding behind him and thumping his boozy mate wiht thankfully one of the smaller wooden spoons!
Finally after soaking my kitchen as they had found my water gun which I use to frighten the crows with so proceeded to have great fun with that thenone of them found a plastic syringe so they began taking more Mojitos via the plastic syringe.

After I told them that was what I used to administer the medecine I give the dogs for worms, I think they sobered up a bit. Finally I ran two of them home & the other wandered off to his hous down the road. Great entertainment and totally diffirent to the girls.
They just march in armed to the teeth with chick flick dvds, crisps, sweets piza etc and gorge on food and films.
Boys on the other hand even though they are 20 + still find great amusement in rough & tumble games and toilet humour. Do they ever grow up?

After dinner its off to my really serious camera club to see how my pics did in the last competition. Im not holding my breath as I know I am a lazy and opportunistic photographer who likes humour and landscapes where as they like nature flora & fauna and abstract. Still I enjoy going and its fun so who cares.
Almost finished the damn forms, two more to go and Im freeeeeeee!

Was stuck for a blip as its been so wet then spied these wee guys in my kitchen. Dont know where they came from of why 5 though there are 5 of us & my two daughters and I are very small though #1 son is over 6feet !
Have a good blip evening all

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