Interesting scenario

All forms filled, done & dusted and before noon too so I had the rest of the day off. Not that it mattered too much today is wet wet wet!.
Had to go to the town and hire out a costume for #2 daughters 18th birthday party tomorrow night, not telling who or what I am you will have to guess from the pics tomorrow. Then back to Maplins to return the iPad look alike gadget we got her for her birthday for a better model as the other one wouldnt update. Have to say the staff at the St Enochs Maplin shop couldnt have been more helpfull, would reccomend them over the other shop they have on Gt Western Rd.

On the way back we took the underground or the Clockwork Orange as the Glaswegians call it. We sat in one of the smaller carriges and noticed a plastic bag on the floor opposite but no one sitting at it. The woman next to me said someone must have forgotten it. Then a bloke came on and sat in the empty seat and the wifey mentioned the myster bag, the bloke glanced at it and didnt say anything, it was a Morrisons bag and looked to contain lettice, tomatoes and other odds & sods. Anyhow in true Glaswegian form when the train stopped and the bloke was getting off , he grabbed the bag and said better in my fridge that left there! We all looked at each other because we all thought we would likley pick up the bag and do likewise. However we were thinking later if that was any other underground system in the world, somone would have reported the mytery unattended bag & all Hell would break lose, indeed there was a cop in the next carriage but as we all wanted to grab the bag, no one alerted the cop.

I love the way Glasgwegians treat things in such a light hearted manner and the great banter they have. Glasgow rocks (even when its wet)
Tonight #2 daughter, her sister, and hubby along with her pals are doing a half subcrawl, me? Im staying home nice and warm (someone has to keep the dogs company)
This scuplture was at partick station . Bud Neil was the famous Glasgow cartoonist who wrote the adventures of Lobby Dosser and his pal Rank Badyin and he had a two legged horse which can be seen on Woodside Rd
Have a nice blip Sat tomorrow all blipperoos

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