
By suresnes


This was an advert I saw on the way back from Paris this evening. Truly, truly amazing. It was for the Danone version of the Muller Corner yoghurts I used to be allowed as a special treat when I was little. I now want one more than anything.

Today was not dissimilar to yesterday. I cleaned. I did some more sorting. I no longer own any socks with holes in (though I do have a few that are on the edge). I hoovered. I generally felt pretty smug about the state of my room.

At about 5.30 I went into Paris to meet A for dinner. We ate at a cute little restaurant next to her apartment, where I had 'hamburger á cheval'. Part of me was hoping it would actually be made out of horse, but unfortunately it was not to be - 'á cheval' means 'with a fried egg on top'. Still, pretty amazing. Some of the best chips I've had for ages. We sat there chatting for ages, then we left and I got the 21h30 bus home. I was home by 10pm. I swear I haven't been home by 10pm on a Sunday for about four months, so I was a bit shocked and at a loose end. I went to bed at 11pm. What has become of me now K has left??

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