Last of breed?
Fitful sun from getting up time to lunchtime made me restless to be out in the open air. I took a notion to get the DART to Malahide and do some quality walking out there, so phoned Cathal, one of the music group guys, to see if he'd be around. He was on his way out there and we arranged to meet whenever public transport permitted. I checked departure times and quickly calculated that I could make it to Killester if I walked briskly. My calculations were too precise, since the train was pulling out just as I got there and I had another hour to wait for the next one.
We eventually met up, had a good old chat over a couple of drinks before and after, and fitted in a decent walk along the sea front. It was actually after 5.30 when I came across this unusual sight. Not only was the light in the sky a sign of the rapid stretch in the evenings, but stumbling on a functioning public toilet was an even greater surprise. There sure aren't many of them around any more, closed, no doubt, because of anti-social behaviour. This one was in excellent nick, I must say, and its being there was as good an excuse as any to get a night(ish) shot in the can, since it's been a long time since the pravious one.
(Strangely, by a quirk of serendipity, my mobile rang as we were passing here on our return and the call turned out to be from Beaumont hospital to tell me I had an appointment with a consultant urologist on Wednesday.)
p.s. I see I have a recent one-day gap still to fill. Don't know how I overlooked that, so I'm off now to see what I pointed the camera at on Friday last.
p.p.s. Gap filled now.
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