In Tru Life

By TruLife

Crashed Out!

Floriana is a very sad little baby today. She's never felt so ill and I know that is true. She's just been beside herself with misery at times and no amount of cuddles make her feel better. But dosing with calpol and neurofen seemed to perk her up slightly. I usually have a really good sleeper and a really good eater, but she's been up already this evening and last night I had to take her into the lounge and watch Notting Hill with her to calm her down, then I had to go through the whole bedtime routine of mini bottle of milk, nappy change etc to get her to go back down (gosh that was a long sentence, maybe I need a grammar lesson). She's not been eating her usual things she likes and tonight I resorted to some organic puffy crisps to try to fill her up a little. Even banana is not hitting the spot! The doctor says it's a... wait for it..... a virus!

Picture shows Flori zonked out from her walk back from school this morning, and just before I had to wake her to take her to the docs, to check out her suspicious blotchy rash!

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