Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Saturday Party Crocus!

No shortage of images today.
However, a decision-making lethargy overcame me.
I wasn't delighted enough with any one of them.

Hence you are (probably happily) denied:more ladybirds, a variety of garden birds and also the family pet.
The ladybirds were busy having a Saturday Party of their own, apparently busy creating even more ladybirds!

This image seemed to be kind of 'open and offering', and I liked the delicacy. The colour, though pale is quite true. I had sharper images but liked this one.
(And the crocus 'window' is quite springlike and special).

A bit of a wasted day for me. No one to blame but myself.
A book arrived this morning, only ordered yesterday (clever on line store!).
I couldn't put it down, and finished it just as evening was beginning to fall.
Total self-indulgence. And now I wish I'd saved a bit for tomorrow!
And I'm still 'there', in the world of the book.
And not quite 'here', in the real world of 'what's for supper then?'

More productive tomorrow!

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