
By Amalarian


Two dogs, one half a cat. When first approached this scene had two feral cats and two dogs sitting peaceably watching the world go by. When we stopped the car and rolled down a window, one cat scarpered immediately. Connie, the collie was partially blocked by Teo, il vagabondo. We oozed along until Connie was visible but only a portion of the remaining cat was. He is to the left of the picture, barely visible. This would have been a good day to know more about PhotoShop.

The first glimpse would have been my own picture of a lifetime. I've never before seen outdoor dogs and feral cats socializing. If the car windscreen hadn't been smeared with dog nose glop, I would have shot through it.

I tried to lure the dogs with choice dog biscuit tossed out but they would have none of it. Our dogs would do anything to get one. I don't think Connie and Teo have had such luxurious nibbles in their lives. The cat seen here rushed forward and scoffed them. Connie, the collie, belongs to La Vespa a neighbour. Connie is free to roam during the day but goes off to sleep with the neighbour's ex boyfriend, down the road a piece, at night. Teo always has one ear back and also roams the neighbourhood. He came here once but was chased to the gate by Cloud. I know where he lives now but he is seldom at home.

I went on to do 50 shots of wood violets but there is a sharp, stiff breeze and they are no good.

For the record: +5 C but warming up a little in the sun. Sunrise: 7:05; sunset 5:58. Humidity 54%. Bitterly cold wind. Lawn being put down at last.

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