
By Amalarian


Yesterday, VandeGraff said, "Few put quite the drama into blipping that you do." That's because I got overly excited about a tiny lizard. So today I was very quietly trying to get macro shots of microscopic forget-me-nots, no drama, when Luigi and Cloud, our dogs, erupted like Krakatoa.

This could mean just one thing, a stranger on their territory. It was another dog. Outrageous!

It took two hours of feeding, cajoling, speaking to it in Italian before Himself could get close enough to snap a lead onto its collar. The owner was telephoned but Himself could not get through to him to explain where we lived. Then an English-speaking woman got onto the phone and the directions were understood.

They arrived, a young couple, both wearing cool blue shades. They said the dog's name was Cyrus and that two other dogs were missing as well, not their dogs but belonging to the b&b where this couple worked. They were not Italian, which accounts for the man and the dog not understanding the lingo. They were Danish.

There is no escaping drama around here. The flower pics are better but this is the event of the day. I hope.

For the record: Sunny. + 10 C. Sunrise: 7:02; sunset 6:01. Humidity 40%. A very fine day indeed. Cloud and Luigi have lost their voices due to the outrage. Now, to get some work done.

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