
By Amalarian


It is astonishing how fast nature moves. I assumed I could repeat yesterday's flowers today. Wrong. The cold nights are still clobbering early blossoms. There were still what I call forget-me-nots but which Italians call occhio della Madonna, eye of the Madonna. Photographed at 9:30 a.m. they had only little black wings in the centre. Photographed one hour later in the sun and the black bits were suddenly at the end of white bits. (You guessed, I'm not a botanist.) These flowers are tiny, maybe about the size of a baby aspirin.

I have yielded to Himself on this one. He likes blue. I did manage to get a shot of a big blue and black carpenter bee on a daffodil. Carpenter bee.

I had to do flowers today because the long range forecast is for seven days of rain.

For the record: Sunny, +11 C. Now that sunset is safely past 6 p.m. I have stopped checking.

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