Clean Slate

By cleanslate

In the bath...

...but clearly before he's been washed! No.2 son. We were blowing bubbles in the bath, by that I mean I had a bottle of bubbles, with a wand and I was blowing bubbles.... just to be clear.

There were some funny shots of them clapping their hands (seemingly around each others' faces) and eyes tightly closed in anticipation of splashes.. but no actual bubbles were captured. That's just the way it goes. Anyway, this one made me smile, I thought it was quite expressive.

So, enough of this. You need to know quite how productive I've been today :-) Something odd came over me and we have cleaned all the blinds and windows downstairs AND cleaned the porch. This is only impressive if you know how slap dash I am usually. As a general rule I hoover and clean the bathroom once a week but 'extra' jobs, like corners(!) get broadly overlooked. So, smug face today (and slightly tickly dust throat!)

Also, postponed orthoptist appointment for no.2 son, on the grounds that he has only ever had his glasses on his nose twice <mental note- must be a better mother> And rearranged a dental appointment for both boys, I thought it was for today but it turns out it was 2 weeks ago and I have completely missed it <ditto>

But you can't get me down. It's Friday, the rascals are asleep, my house is clean(er) and we've got some old friends coming to stay tomorrow night. Happy Friday everyone :-)

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