- from United Kingdom - Wales
- 5449 entries
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Thank you for the days
00: 2011-09-01 : The Hidden University
01: 2012-09-01 : Autumnal
02: 2013-09-01 : Drawing the lines
03: 2014-09-01 : When the sun shines
04: 2015-09-01 : Looking ahead
05: 2016-09-01 : Never the same moment...
06: 2017-09-01 : Mis Medi, unwaith e
Thank you for the days
00: 2011-09-01 : The Hidden University
01: 2012-09-01 : Autumnal
02: 2013-09-01 : Drawing the lines
03: 2014-09-01 : When the sun shines
04: 2015-09-01 : Looking ahead
05: 2016-09-01 : Never the same moment...
06: 2017-09-01 : Mis Medi, unwaith eto
07: 2018-09-01 : Cerdded yr asynnod
08: 2019-09-01 : Llwyddiant, llongyfarchiad ...
09: 2020-09-01 : Arwrol
10: 2021-09-01 : Daliadaeth
11: 2022-09-01 : Dringo pob mynydd
12: 2023-09-01 : Rydw i'n sbïo deinosoriaid
13. 2024-09-01 : Diwrnod araf
"I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world."
-- Bob Thiele and George David Weiss
My personal image is 'Tantipa the Weaver' by Ngakma Déwang Pamo from 'Warp and Weft of Wonderment' by Ngakma Métsal Wangmo. 2025-01-16
Ar ôl deng mlynedd / After ten years
Mae e wedi bod yn gyfnod ysbrydoledig ar Blipfoto. Rydw i'n gwerthfawrogi’r cyfle i arbrofi gyda ffotograffiaeth a chelf yn gyffredinol. Mae'r gymuned y ffotograffwyr Blip yn calonogol iawn - mae'r teimlad o fod yn rhan o grŵp sy'n gwerthfawrogi rhywbeth bob dydd. Felly nawr, ymlaen gyda'r deng mlynedd nesaf.
It's been an inspiring time on Blipfoto. I appreciate the opportunity to experiment with photography and art in general. The Blip photographers community is very encouraging - there's the feeling of being part of a group that appreciates something everyday. So now, on with the next ten years.
365th Anniversary Blipfoto Interview
2011-09-01 - 2012-08-30
How did you hear about Blipfoto?
I came across it accidentally. I had recently bought my first DSLR and I was looking for resources and advice on photography.
What inspires you to take a picture daily?
It sounded like an interesting discipline. I was already keen on photography and would usually have a camera with me. I would take photographs at events or when particularly inspired. The idea of posting just one picture was intriguing as it would either mean selecting one from a number of good photographs or have to take something quite 'ordinary' if nothing particularly different had happened that day.
Did you take a daily picture before joining Blip?
No. Although I would have a camera with me, taking photographs would depend on inspiring circumstances.
Have your photography skills got better?
I think my photography experience has certainly improved and I am a little more fluent in the use of some cameras. I'm not sure that this would count as skill. I've mostly not yet moved off the various automatic settings, so there's a lot more to explore before I would say that I am skilled. In terms of the quality of the results I think it would be for other people to judge.
Has the view of your environment changed - do you naturally see pictures?
The most important quality is that of appreciation - and there is always something to appreciate. Seeing pictures is part of the story. There's also seeing how you can only catch a small fragment of reality and how taking a picture requires making a choice. You can choose where to stand, how to focus, what to keep in frame ... as a result of these choices there are many different photographs which could be taken in the same moment. Every photograph is a choice and is therefore an artistic expression of the photographer. I try, as far as possible, to get things 'right' in the camera and limit any post-processing to cropping and rotating, although lately I've been experimenting with stitching panoramas.
Please describe your experience of using Blip and taking 365 pictures
There are many wonderful aspects to Blipfoto. As well as being a continuous project which allows me to explore photography it is also a community of people whose photographs I appreciate and who appreciate mine also. There's never been any negativity on Blipfoto, so there is always a sense of positive encouragement.
There are many different styles of photography in evidence. Some people are more evidently professional and artistic. Others are recording various aspects of their lives, and produce startling and interesting photographs, along with fascinating life stories..
Blipfoto also shows the continuity of life and the rapid passing of time. From the display of the most recent 12 photographs it is sometimes astonishing to realise how quickly time has passed and how soon an event becomes history.
Blipfoto is an exploration of time, space and people and brings together an appreciative community..
Your age / Job / Family / Where you live
53 (at 2012-08-30) / supporting the computing requirements of Human resources and Finance at Cardiff University ./ Married to Nor'dzin with two children, Daniel and Richard, both at University / Born, and still living in Whitchurch, Cardiff, Wales.