On the way

16months 15 days

We have had a full day free from sickness. Some horrendous nappies still, but it's another step forward. Katie has been a little brighter today, although still very short on energy. I decided after the third vile present that I would get her checked over at the doctors, even though I knew they'd tell me it was viral and there was nothing they could do. It was the nurse practitioner and he was very kind. He told me there was nothing he could do, its the rotavirus, but that I was right to come and get her checked over since it hadn't yet passed, which was reassuring. She's not dehydrated at all, he said to offer her all her usual foods and just wait it out. Oh, and return with a sample on Thursday if she hasnt stopped. He gave me gloves. 3 pairs.

She had a sleep and then some little bits to eat afterwards and even ventured towards her toy boxes. It was short but very sweet to see. We got a call from Abbie and Jack asking if we wanted to go for a walk, so that was really nice. Again the bunnies and ducks were out, although Katie wasnt interested. She walked outside for the first time in 6 days, but didnt even manage half way across the park. We stopped at the play cafe for a drink - it was empty and Katie was quarantined to a highchair, not that she wanted to go far anyway.

She had a few more bits for tea and even had a bit of a play with her doll, doing Katie-style lets pretend. Wrapping her up, putting three nappies around her (maybe fears Ba-ba will do what she's been doing) and giving her a wetwipe blanket.

She's taking her time, but step by step I think my little girl's coming back.

First off, for those of you a little confused yesterday by teeny tiny Katie appearing on the iphone app - I had one month still to complete of baby Katie backblips... all done now (unless I can locate the missing few pictures from May 2010).

PS This was nearly the blip , but I decided I'd done enough shallow DOF-y photos. But still like it so am sharing!

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