
17 months 8 days

Katie demanded to go for a walk. So walk we did! Not too far, as I had intended us to go out anyway, but we went the pretty way and said hello to the ducks first (which she also asked to do - she was totally adamant when i tried to go the other way that she wasnt impressed with that plan).

We were heading to tea and toast, where she had a bit of a play with her little friends, although she didnt eat much toast and snuggled quite a lot. She was pleased to see them though. We came home not long before lunch time, which she picked at.

After lunch and a play she went down for a sleep - I lost track of time (and nodded off myself for some of it) so she ended up having a mammoth 2 1/2 hour sleep. Here's hoping it doesnt totally screw up bedtime! We went for another walk, at her request again, and bought some ice lollies before coming home for another play.

Katie now likes to sit with me as I blip, and asks to come up to look at her friends' pictures - which makes me smile a lot!

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