Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Time Goes On

The afternoon was so lovely warm that when I arrived home about 4:00, I told Mr. Fun we ought to sit in the spa and just soak. He thought that was a fabulous idea.

We've thoroughly enjoyed the rain the past several weeks and the governor of our state has officially declared that we are no longer in a drought condition. So that was a welcomed announcement; however, we're also enjoying the warmth of today and the weather folks say tomorrow will be even warmer.

So swimsuits and hot bubbly water were on the agenda and it was just what I needed to wash away the frustration of locking my keys in the office this afternoon when I went to the Writing Center for my Tuesday duty. When I arrived there and realized what I had done, I was frustrated. I am still adjusting to this make-shift temporary office that seems to be miles from the campus center. My permanent office (which is currently in a construction zone) always has to be locked from the outside when I leave, so my keys are always in my hand.

Thankfully the main office clerk phoned campus police and the cadet graciously met me at my locked door, let me in, and there right where I had left them were my keys.

An hour in the spa melted the madness and ushered in the relaxation I was longing for. Then after our evening meal, the sky blushed and we had the privilege of watching. Wow!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and the three pooches), aka Carol

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