One for the girlies...

Not content with blaming the public sector for the mess this country is in, (although the extent of that mess remains a moot point - particularly given that we can still find money to bale out other countries and send expensive missiles into Libya - but I may have mentioned that before), our the Minister for Universities and Science has decided to blame women for the situation working class men find themselves in today.

Might be worth pointing out to our esteemed minister that "egalitarian" means "upholding the doctrine of the equality of mankind and the desirability of political, social, and economic equality". When I last checked women were also entitled to equality on the premise that, in all modern societies, they are considered to be included in "mankind".

However, that's just for starters. If you weren't appalled enough by the implications of Willett's observations, you might also won't to ponder on this; logically, if women have only held back working class men, Willett's is suggesting that middle and upper class men have managed to advance despite the onslaught of the petticoats. Are we supposed to assume that middle class men have superior brains or is it just that they know how to keep their girls in order?

Whatever DW's explanation, I think his "reasoning" says more about his own ideas of what a woman should be as anything else.

So, it's back to the kitchen girlies. Not only will you be unable to afford to buy your way into an educated society as a result of the fee increases, but if you try to do so you will be blamed for keeping a good man down!

Wonder if the minister even realised that he will have alienated half of the electorate with these ill considered words?

Ah well, we can laugh???

PS This one's for my mate. I know she's probably firing off letters to all and sundry as a result of this publication. Way to go S!

PPS The swan was actually yawning. Came across a battery of them this afternoon and they were all very sleepy. Man asked me to ask you if seeing a yawning swan makes you yawn too. Apparently it is hardwired into our brains that, when another animal yawns, we do the same as it indicates that we are not a threat... or something like that.


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