Empty chair

Home, with a quick detour along the way to see Dad and Ann. Left around 2pm, got home at 8. Made 3 service station stops along the way - something was happening at Beaconsfield on the M40 - whole area of car park was cordoned off with Police tape and there was a lot of police activity and to-ings and fro-ings. Intriguing.

Unpacked. Packed ready for James to go back to school. Eaten. Washing on. Changed the bed linen. Am knackered.

The house feels very strange without Corin here - even with James and I knocking about, it feels empty. I know he is in good hands, will be well fed, kept from being thirsty and will be entertained along the way (as well as doing some work) by Chris and Faye, but we're both going to miss him enormously. James is feeling bad as well because he can't remember whether he said goodbye to him.

Oh well, guess there's nothing else except to go and watch telly and have a cuppa. Work tomorrow (yes, it IS the first day of the holiday, but I have a deadline to meet with the exam board which involves me going in tomorrow) then hopefully I won't have to return there for a full two weeks. Bonzer!


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