It's a fence

and I clearly do not sit on it.

I have caused offence today - no surprises there then. So much so that apparently I need to get a life.

The thing is that I am, like everyone else, entitled to an opinion. I am also articulate enough that I can express my opinion without being personal about other people. I can provide a counter argument that is about the situation, not about the person whose opinion I do not agree with. Based on some research, my 'behaviour' today and my opinion is shared.

How did I cause offence?

By stating that I had no interest in today's events. That's true. I have not, at any point along the way, denigrated other peoples' interest. Everyone is entitled to have their point of view and do what they wish. I understand that the events today might have held interest for others and I do not dismiss the value of that for them. For me though, it held no interest.

I'm not anti-Royal. In fact, I actually believe that the Royal family are an important part of British culture and impact positively on the economy and particularly via tourism. The sheer volume of numbers who have visited this week, purely to be a part of today's events is testament to that. I also have a lot of respect for William and Kate for avoiding media intrusion in their normal lives and for working hard to establish their right to privacy. They appear to be very happy and to have been very moderate and sensible in terms of preparing themselves for their next phase of life. That is something very positive and does provide hope for the future of the monarchy.

The wedding though did not hold interest simply because of who I am. I don't sit in front of the telly a lot. I don't follow the life of Royals and other celebrities. I get my news from Radio 4 and Newsnight. I am pretty boring really. All the hype and hullabaloo just does not inspire me.

So, I didn't change my routine. It was Friday, the last one of my Easter holiday. As usual, I had left my work to the end of the holiday and it needed doing. I also needed a lie in. So I did both.

To top it all off, after I had offended others, my neighbour looked horrified when I said I hadn't watched it. I suspect I would have got a less extreme reaction if I had said I had spent the day sacrificing virgins and worshipping Satan. However, it was not her who told me to get a life. Just to be clear.

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